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IT in Connecticut: Cyber Thieves are Now Zeroing in on Law Firms

Written by Kelser | April 11, 2018

The legal sector is now square in the crosshairs of highly sophisticated hackers. Law firms are a convenient target as their IT staffs tend to be significantly lacking or completely non-existent. It does not matter how small a law firm is. All firms are prone to hacking just like their large corporate counterparts. With each passing day, more and more law firms become victimized by phishing attacks, ransomware, Trojan viruses and other digital threats. Thankfully, IT experts in Connecticut can help you preserve the integrity of your data and maintain a strong rapport with clients.

Law Firms' Digital Vulnerability

Law firms are behind other businesses when it comes to IT security. Though plenty of law firms are victimized by hacks that lead to costly data breaches, many still lack a response plan. It is not enough to have a firewall, spam filter, scanning tool, etc. The assistance of proven IT professionals in Connecticut is essential to preventing a potentially crippling data loss. Too many law firm partners assume that their limited IT security will suffice and fail to upgrade software, download patches, perform security tests, and follow additional security protocols.

Some hackers are sending law firms emails with subjects that seem legitimate, such as “Subpoena for lawsuit” or “Case Update”, and hardworking employees open the message along with the virus-laden attachment. The malware infects the computer, steals the law firms banking username and password, steals financial records, and causes all sorts of other problems. This is the type of nightmare cyber security experts in Connecticut can help your firm avoid.

Law Firms are Especially Valuable Targets

Part of the reason why so many law firms are being targeted by hackers is the fact that these groups have important documents. Law firms store highly sensitive intellectual property, along with other confidential documents that have considerable value on the black market. Hackers target law firms to access technical secrets, financial information, business strategies, and other valuable data.

Hackers are well aware of the fact that law firms usually have inferior digital security compared to other businesses. The irony is, most law firms' digital security is inferior to that of their clients. Lawyers operate in a deadline-oriented business, so their data security tends to fall to the wayside. Hackers have responded by upping the frequency and intensity of digital attacks on law firms.

What Law Firms Can Do to Stop the Wave of Cyber Attacks

Educating employees about the basics of digital security will certainly help prevent viruses and other easily avoidable threats. Force every employee to change his or her passwords at least once every six months. Disk encryption is a must for all devices. Furthermore, antivirus software, a firewall and an alliance with IT experts will help stop potentially devastating attacks before they can access your data.

At Kelser Corporation, our IT experts in Connecticut can help you with your tech projects. We will cut your tech costs, ensure you are taking advantage of the latest tech offerings and ultimately improve your team's efficiency. Contact us now, and you will find that your IT proves secure, efficient, and friendly to your bottom line.