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Understanding 5 Challenges Of Managed IT Support Services & How To Avoid Them

Written by Karen Cohen | December 23, 2022

As a successful business leader, you know that your organization’s IT infrastructure is important. But, unless you are an IT expert, you may not know the best way to care for it

Whether you are considering external IT support because you are concerned about cybersecurity, your users and customers are frustrated due to long load times, you’re seeing inconsistent wireless coverage in the office, or for another reason, you may be looking for honest information so you can weigh your IT support options

At Kelser, we are committed to providing unbiased information business leaders like you can use to make the best IT decisions for your organization

That’s why, although we provide comprehensive managed IT services for our clients, we are publishing this article to let you know five key disadvantages of this approach to IT support. 

You see, there is nothing for us to gain by convincing you to try managed IT support if it isn’t right for your organization. It will just lead to frustration if you agree to work with a managed IT provider and then find out that it isn’t a good fit. We’ve seen it happen

You may be wondering why we are not selling you our product. The truth is, there are plenty of managed IT providers who might do just that.

But, we work hard to build long-term relationships with our customers that are built on trust and that starts from the very beginning. 

What Is Managed IT Support?  

Just to make sure we are operating from a place of common understanding, managed IT support is an ongoing service based on an agreement between a provider and customer about the kind of support provided for a fixed monthly fee. 

"Managed IT support is a comprehensive, proactive approach to service."


5 Drawbacks Of Managed IT Support 

If we are being honest, (and we are,) there are pros and cons to everything in life. If someone tells you differently, beware! 

We’ve been in the IT business for more than 40 years. With that experience comes the wisdom that truth matters.

So, in the spirit of honesty, here are five disadvantages that you should consider before deciding the best approach to IT service for your organization. 

1. Cost 

While managed IT support is a cost-effective solution for many organizations, those with only a handful of employees and limited cybersecurity risk may find that the cost vs. benefit equation doesn’t add up for them. If your organization has more than four employees and you have any level of risk (which the majority of organizations do), it might make sense for you. 

Don't naively assume that since your organization is small, your risk is low. Gone are the days when cyber criminals only targeted large, international organizations. 

Related article: Are Managed IT Support Services Worth The Cost?

2. Service Limitations 

Depending on the provider you choose and the details of your agreement, you may or may not be eligible for on-site service. And, their service desk could be located in another part of the country or the world. If there are language barriers, that could complicate service leading to increased downtime. 

No matter whether you select a local or national managed IT support provider, make sure you understand how they handle service requests and what is included and not included in your service agreement. 

As an aside, make sure to read the details of your service level agreement (SLA) so you know what the provider commits to for response and resolution time.

Related article: What Is A Normal IT Response and Resolution Time? 5 Things To Know About SLAs

3. Skills & Experience

When it comes to the backbone of your business, you want an IT partner who has the skills, experience, and staying power you need. 

"Every IT infrastructure needs the same elements of care no matter its size."

Make sure that the provider you choose has a full complement of IT experts who can provide the comprehensive services your infrastructure deserves. You don’t want to find out in the throes of a cyberattack that your provider doesn’t have a cybersecurity expert on staff. 

IT is an essential part of your business and you want a long-term partner who knows what they are doing, has a deep bench of IT professionals and can provide all the support your infrastructure needs

4. Security

We know that many business leaders are cautious when it comes to involving outside people in their critical business infrastructure. This is warranted; you don’t want to give the keys to your kingdom to a random stranger

While there are exceptions to every rule, it helps to realize that most managed IT support providers are ethical and have their own reputation to think of when it comes to protecting your data

It only takes one bad customer experience with data security to damage the reputation of an IT provider and cause potentially business-ending damage to the provider’s reputation.  

Just as with any business partnership you might establish, do your homework and make sure that the provider has a stellar reputation. Talk with some current customers about their experience with the organization and always evaluate several options. 

5. Alignment

 Some IT providers come into your organization and make assumptions. 

They assume they know your business goals. 

They assume they know what is right for your organization. 

An effective managed IT partner invests the time to learn about your business, your industry, your regulatory or compliance requirements, and your goals. Only after gaining this understanding will they recommend an appropriate solution for your business. 

If an IT provider comes in and immediately makes assumptions about what you need, that should send up a red flag. How can they possibly have your best interest at heart if they don’t even take the time to understand your business?

Is Managed IT Support Right For You? 

At this point, you know some of the potential drawbacks of managed IT support. You know some of the concerns facing people that choose this option. We’ve talked about cost, service limitations, skills & experience, security, and alignment. 

These are legitimate concerns, but can often be overcome with due diligence and honest communication

Wondering about other IT support options? Read this article to find out the pros and cons of break/fix IT support

Check out this comparison of break/fix and managed IT support for a direct comparison of the two options.

Is your organization prepared for the latest cybersecurity threats? If you can’t confidently answer yes, click the button below to download our free cybersecurity checklist and learn 10 actions you can take today to improve your company’s posture.