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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Protect your information while preventing data loss and downtime during and after cyber attacks, natural disasters, and other unforeseen catastrophes.

We help keep your organization up and running with...

Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery
Regular Testing

Your business has a reputation to uphold and clients to keep happy.

Downtime is certainly not part of that plan. We help you keep your organization up and running, no matter what issues you’re facing.

When your systems go down, every second counts.

You can’t afford to wait 48 hours or more while your backups are restored from offsite tapes. Using “recovery-in-place” technologies that can restore operations in minutes, your data and applications can continue to run in the cloud until you’re back up and running.

Even the best-laid plans can go wrong when disaster strikes.

Are you willing to take that risk? We offer comprehensive testing plans to ensure that the process you have in place will actually keep you afloat when things go awry.

Prepare for the Worst

According to research firm Clutch.co, 60% of small businesses that suffer data loss will shut down within six months.

This should be terrifying—especially given the fact that 58% of these businesses say that they aren’t prepared to lose any of their data.

Don’t let your company become a statistic. Business continuity and disaster recovery planning must be a critical part of running your business. We provide a complete backup, local disaster recovery, and cloud disaster recovery service coupled with ongoing management, monitoring, and support.

Evaluate Your Operations

Our team of disaster recovery experts provides you with training programs, tailor-made to your business needs and objectives, on how to preserve your business continuity no matter what happens.

Application downtime is just one of many ways your business could suffer. In order to understand the true costs of a disaster, calculate your average daily revenue and multiply by the amount of downtime. This figure represents the lost revenue you’re missing out on until you’re back up and running again. Your company needs a disaster recovery solution that will get you back on your feet as soon as possible.

Educating key figures and decision-makers such as managers, IT staff, and executives on how to respond to a disaster is critically important.

Success Story

Virtualized data backup provides faster disaster recovery and uninterrupted services

Reliable, cost-effective backup allows the Greater Boston Food Bank to preserve its past and secure its future


While data backup is a standard business practice, few businesses intelligently plan for a disaster, or business interruption. We provided GBFB with a single solution that addresses both affordably.

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We value your privacy and your trust is paramount to us. Your information is kept confidential, and we promise a respectful communication approach – no intrusive calls or emails, just the information you need.