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IT Support Services For Manufacturers Of The Future

By nature, manufacturers are hyper-focused on producing as efficiently as possible. More so than ever, that goal requires a mastery of technology. In fact, the tech on the assembly line is so specialized these days, that IT systems often take a backseat. This could be a missed opportunity to gain a competitive edge.

What our services look like for...

IT Managers
Finance Directors

Chances are your firm has made a major manufacturing equipment purchase in recent years.

You also work hard to recruit the best talent. Investments like these see greater return with top-notch IT systems supporting them.

Despite the technical nature of the industry, most manufacturing firms have relatively small, if any, IT teams.

By entrusting day-to-day tech management to us, your staff can focus on tasks that require their specific expertise.

In manufacturing, demand and capacity are fluid.

Why shouldn’t your IT be scalable as well? Gain a competitive advantage by becoming adaptable, nimble, and keeping costs low.

Success Video - Empire Industries

Local manufacturer Empire Industries was struck by a ransomware attack.

They reached out to Kelser to assist with the remediation but found so much more in the ongoing partnership.

See how Empire Industries improved their cybersecurity and reduced IT downtime with managed cybersecurity and vCIO services.


At Kelser, we think like manufacturers.

For nearly 40 years, we’ve been based in Connecticut—a state with rich manufacturing history, present, and future.

Our technology consulting practice designs and manages IT environments that simplify processes and enable our clients to increase output. From family owned shops to international giants, we’re proud to help manufacturers not just compete, but lead their industry to the cutting edge of manufacturing processes - enabled by secure, reliable technology systems. 

Our IT Consulting Process for Manufacturers

Making the Optimal IT System for Your Manufacturing Firm

Networking, business continuity, cybersecurity, and more—all components of our customized approach.

Unlike businesses that exist purely in an office environment, manufacturers need IT solutions that go beyond the desk. Not just any IT provider is up to the challenge. Kelser engineers routinely design networks and integrations for manufacturing equipment, supply chain management, and the hardware and software your company relies on.

We enable employees on the shop floor, staff in the office, and those at offsite customers to securely and easily access the same IT systems and tools.

Since even short network outages can come with a big cost for manufacturers, we understand that reliability is paramount. As is security. Manufacturers have more network-enabled equipment and trade secrets than any other industry, which makes manufacturing firms of all sizes prime targets for hackers.

Industry cybersecurity regulations and supplier requirements (like NIST and CMMC) have also become stricter in recent years. Kelser is a leader in cybersecurity for manufacturers and specializes in strategies that can make your plant as secure and compliant as it is efficient.

Success Story

Defend Forward secures Empire Industries from evolving external and internal threats

Cybersecurity-as-a-Service provides manufacturer’s IT systems with efficient, continuous protection.


Connecticut manufacturer Empire Industries had not upgraded its IT security since its initial installation. Kelser determined that the cybersecurity of the company needed to be modernized through IT consulting. Learn how cybersecurity enhancements helped ease incident response as well as recovery.


Leave Your IT Issues Behind

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1. Fill out this easy form so we can get in touch.

2. We'll reach out, schedule a 15-minute call to see how we can help.

our promise to you:

We value your privacy and your trust is paramount to us. Your information is kept confidential, and we promise a respectful communication approach – no intrusive calls or emails, just the information you need.