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IT Support Services For Tomorrow’s Colleges And Universities

Technology plays a critical role in every institution’s future. We ensure that IT is propelling the institution toward its potential without standing in its way. Our IT consulting approach takes all of this into account as well as the specific character, goals, and history of the schools we work with. 

What our services look like for...

IT Managers
Finance Directors

We know what it’s like for you and your IT team to feel like all you have the resources to do sometimes is “keep the lights on”. We want to help change that.

Rely on our team to cost-effectively manage any pieces of your IT puzzle that burden you or your staff. Focus your energy on initiatives that move the institution forward with support from us as needed.

The classroom, campus, and way learning is done is ever changing - especially today.

Gaining the freedom to scale and deploy technology without a large upfront investment enables your college or university to be nimble and creative—and keep the budget on track.

As your business partner, we always have the long-term health of your institution in mind.

Colleges and universities that leverage technology effectively today secure enrollments for years to come and maintain a competitive edge in a crowded New England region.

Institutions of higher learning have technology needs unlike any other type of organization.

In order to prepare students to succeed, colleges and universities count on technology to facilitate collaboration and communication without compromising security. In addition, changes in the higher education industry make it more important than ever for institutions in Connecticut and beyond to operate efficiently and stay competitive.

Our IT Consulting Process for Education

Creating a Digital Campus that Works

With the speed at which technology evolves today, it’s no longer effective for colleges & universities to play catch up periodically.

We design and implement systems that make staying up-to-date seamless and effortless so that institutions of higher learning can focus on education rather than IT logistics.

Working in conjunction with the IT staff at the institution, we ensure that the technology needs of students, faculty and staff are met as cost effectively and simply as possible. We understand that connectivity and network uptime are crucial for modern colleges & universities engaged in research, distance learning, and simply providing a high-quality student experience.

Finally, our IT consulting practice stays ahead of cyber threats that target the higher education industry. We guide schools in managing a digital culture that is open and accessible to the community of the institution without placing it at risk.

Success Story

Virtualized desktops transform learning

Modernizing Manchester Community College's technology to improve the student experience.


Manchester Community College in Connecticut was looking to improve their student experience and bolster their technology. Learn how Kelser helped transform MCC into a more technically advanced college and drive success through virtualization and expert IT consulting.


Leave Your IT Issues Behind

Let's Connect - Our Process Is Simple:

1. Fill out this easy form so we can get in touch.

2. We'll reach out, schedule a 15-minute call to see how we can help.

our promise to you:

We value your privacy and your trust is paramount to us. Your information is kept confidential, and we promise a respectful communication approach – no intrusive calls or emails, just the information you need.