Cyber_Sercurity_Non_Technical_Guide_cover.pngGet started with this free cyber security guide..

What’s in the guide?

This quick-reading, non-technical 14-page handbook from the Center for Internet Security presents the key areas to understand and a punch list of initial steps to improve your network and information security. In addition to a fundamental understanding of cyber security you will learn how to:

  • Recognize the signs of cyber security problems
  • React to a problem appropriately
  • Develop an “acceptable use” policy
  • Control access to information

Click here to download a sample of the Cyber Security: Getting Started guide.

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a nonprofit organization focused on enhancing cyber security readiness and response. CIS works through four complementary divisions - Security Benchmarks, Multi-State ISAC, Trusted Purchasing Alliance, and the Integrated Intelligence Center. Each division offers high-quality, timely products and services to help partners achieve security goals through expert guidance and cost-effective solutions. With a commitment to excellence through collaboration, CIS acts as a trusted central resource for cyber security in the private and public sectors.