Innovate Your Network Security with the Help of an IT Consultant in Connecticut!
Safeguarding your firm’s network security should be one of your top priorities. This is important, especially now that malicious hackers have become cunning and look for vulnerabilities to attack their victims. Improving your network security is something that can be done with the guidance of an IT consultant in Connecticut. Speaking to one of these professionals will help you hack-proof your IT network and keep malicious attackers at bay.
Why Should You Improve Your Network Security?
As stated above, malicious hackers are constantly looking for vulnerabilities to exploit to infect their victims' IT systems. The year 2017 will be remembered as the year that computers running on Windows were infected by a ransomware called WannaCry. This cryptovirus locked out computer users and they could not access the data on their computers until they complied with the demands of the hackers. Some corporations paid the ransom, but there are no reports as to whether they were able to regain control of their systems. You can easily avoid all these troubles by strengthening your IT systems. The fact that you were not affected by the ransomware should not in any way give you false confidence that you're safe.
Here are key ways of improving your network security:
- Education and training - You need to educate your employees on cybersecurity issues. Train them on how to detect threats and advise them on how to respond to such threats. This will protect them, your firm, and your customers.
- Multi-layered security approach - It's important for you to track the movement of data into and out of your firm. Employees use their smartphones to access a company’s network; make sure that your employees know the responsibilities that come with such privileges. Let an IT Consultant in Connecticut help you monitor all communication channels to avoid giving hackers a backdoor into your system.
- Prioritizing risk management - By prioritizing risk management, you'll ensure that your software programs are upgraded and that hacking attacks, phishing incidents, and malware intrusions are guarded against. This will improve your preparedness to handle any IT security threat.
- Timely breach response - With advancements in technology, there are innovative tools you can use to eliminate security threats quickly by quarantining data that shows any signs of corruption to prevent it from spreading further and infecting your entire IT system.
- Threat monitoring and sharing - When you share threat data with vendors and other entities, they'll do the same with you, thereby increasing your knowledge base on the types of threats facing institutions.
As discussed above, these are key ways by which you can improve your firm’s network security. However, most of these tactics require the help of an IT consultant in Connecticut to implement. Contact us now at Kelser Corporation and let us talk about how to proceed with implementing these tactics. We work with clients to help them improve their network security. We can be of assistance to your firm.