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Kelser Blog, Media, and News

All the latest Kelser news, media appearances, event recaps, press releases, and articles covering topics such as cybersecurity, business continuity, disaster recovery, networking and managed services, in one convenient place.

Blog Feature

Information Security

By: Karen Cohen
June 25, 2022

As a business leader, you understand the important role a firewall plays in protecting business and customer information. That’s why you have a firewall, right?

Blog Feature

Information Security

By: Paul Tablan
June 24, 2022

Most business leaders would agree that their IT infrastructure is the backbone of their organization. Without technology, most businesses would be paralyzed.


Improving Your Cybersecurity Posture Isn't as Hard as it Sounds

Start improving your cybersecurity posture now with this ebook, free when you subscribe to our blog.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Information Security

By: Patrick Martin
June 09, 2022

With ransomware attacks a frequent topic of news reports, most people understand that money is often a motivating factor. But, while that is a powerful motivator, it isn’t the only reason hackers take action.

Blog Feature

Information Security

By: Paul Tablan
June 04, 2022

Virtual private networks (VPNs) have been around since 1996, but if you are like most business leaders, you may not fully understand what they do, how they work, and whether your business needs one.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Information Security

By: Patrick Martin
May 12, 2022

Everyone knows that cybersecurity is important. We all want to prevent people from accessing our data and using it to their advantage.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | IT Support | Information Security

By: Karen Cohen
April 20, 2022

Business leaders know that social engineering attacks are on the rise. These attacks, in which people with bad intentions manipulate users into taking actions that will provide access to information or networks, take many forms.

Blog Feature

IT Support | Information Security

By: Tim Colby
April 15, 2022

In the old days, when people had important documents they wanted to keep secure, they would lock them in a filing cabinet. The only people who could access the files would have a key or would need to contact the file administrator.

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