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Kelser Blog, Media, and News

All the latest Kelser news, media appearances, event recaps, press releases, and articles covering topics such as cybersecurity, business continuity, disaster recovery, networking and managed services, in one convenient place.

Blog Feature

Managed Services | IT Support

By: Ed Matias
May 05, 2023

Many leaders of small and medium businesses (SMBs) are not IT experts and some don’t have an IT expert on staff. As a result, there may be details that escape notice. One of the details that is often overlooked is software licenses.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Managed Services | IT Support | Information Security

By: Karen Cohen
April 08, 2023

When it comes to technology, it is often “out of sight, out of mind.” In other words, as long as things are operating smoothly, many people don’t give their organization's IT infrastructure much thought.


Improving Your Cybersecurity Posture Isn't as Hard as it Sounds

Start improving your cybersecurity posture now with this ebook, free when you subscribe to our blog.

Blog Feature

Managed Services | IT Support

By: Tim Colby
March 28, 2023

Whether you work with an internal or external IT support team, you may not be fully capitalizing on the value that strategic business/IT partnerships can provide.

Blog Feature

Managed Services | IT Support

By: Rob Backus
March 23, 2023

A lot has changed in the automotive industry. Everything is more technical from servicing engines to running a dealership.

Blog Feature

Managed Services | IT Support

By: Rob Backus
March 21, 2023

If you are looking to refresh your business devices, you are likely wondering whether laptops or tablets are the best choice for your users.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Managed Services

By: Karen Cohen
March 15, 2023

Editor's note: This article was originally posted in 2018, but has been updated to include more relevant information.

Blog Feature

Managed Services | IT Support

By: Patrick Martin
March 07, 2023

Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2019, but has been updated to include the latest information and trends. Achieving maximum efficiency is an important goal for all IT departments. Unfortunately, many organizations don't reach this goal. According to a survey by Deloitte, only 22 percent of chief information officers agree that they have a high-performing IT culture.

Blog Feature

Modern Data Center | Workforce Enablement | Managed Services

By: Karen Cohen
March 02, 2023

Editor's note: This article was originally posted in 2018, but has been updated to include the latest information. Considering migrating from a physical server to a cloud-based solution? Wondering how to ensure you get the best provider for you? This is an important decision and selecting a cloud provider can be difficult. I can help. In this article, I'll walk you through 8 important questions that will help you identify the best cloud service provider for you. After reading this article, you'll be confident that you know the right questions to ask, so you get quality service that is the right solution for your organization. As a managed service IT provider for numerous companies in a variety of industries in Connecticut and the surrounding region, Kelser uses cloud-based tools to ensure optimal technology performance. But, don't worry, I won't try to convince you to work with us or push managed IT support services. The truth is, we know that managed IT isn't the right solution for every organization. Rather than convince you to work with us, we focus on providing honest information you can use to get the IT solutions that are best for you. Why Is Asking The Right Questions Important? As with any important buying decision, it's important to ask the right questions to ensure that you will be satisfied with your purchase. And, while people often assume that one cloud provider is the same as the next, the truth is that each provider may handle things a bit differently. 8 Questions To Ask Potential Cloud Service Providers Here are 8 important questions to ask potential cloud service providers:

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