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Kelser Blog, Media, and News

All the latest Kelser news, media appearances, event recaps, press releases, and articles covering topics such as cybersecurity, business continuity, disaster recovery, networking and managed services, in one convenient place.

Blog Feature

By: Patrick Martin
March 20, 2024

Although they are not financial institutions, auto dealers handle sensitive information about their customers. From banking information to social security numbers, driver’s license numbers to credit information, this information can be used by criminals to steal a customer’s identity.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Compliance

By: Tyler Thepsiri
March 19, 2024

Although NIST 800-171 has been around for several years, many business leaders still aren’t certain whether they are doing the right things to be compliant. One of the areas of confusion is what to expect from a NIST 800-171 Gap Analysis.


Improving Your Cybersecurity Posture Isn't as Hard as it Sounds

Start improving your cybersecurity posture now with this ebook, free when you subscribe to our blog.

Blog Feature

By: Patrick Martin
March 13, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Safeguards Rule has been amended to include non-banking institutions that handle consumer financial information; car dealerships fall into this category.

Blog Feature

IT Support

By: James Tubby
March 11, 2024

Most people have done it…you leave your personal computer (PC) running…one day leads into the next and before you know it, it has been running for several days without a break. Or, you may think you are shutting it down and not actually be doing it.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | Compliance | NIST

By: Karen Cohen
March 09, 2024

If your organization works with the government as a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier, you are likely familiar with the rules and regulations regarding information labeled secret, top secret, or classified.

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | IT Support

By: Patrick Martin
March 08, 2024

Protecting customer data is crucial for any business. Car dealerships are no exception. This information is so important that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has amended its Safeguards Rule to strengthen the requirements for data security for dealerships.

Blog Feature


By: Tyler Thepsiri
March 07, 2024

If you haven’t implemented a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution and are wondering what all the buzz is about but don’t want to dive deep into all of the technical details, this article is for you!

Blog Feature

Cybersecurity | IT Support

By: Karen Cohen
February 27, 2024

There are so many technology tools that it can be tough to keep them all straight. As a business leader or technology consumer, you don’t need to be an expert in the nitty gritty technology details, but it can be helpful to have a working knowledge and understanding of the tools you use to do your job.

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