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Kelser Blog, Media, and News

All the latest Kelser news, media appearances, event recaps, press releases, and articles covering topics such as cybersecurity, business continuity, disaster recovery, networking and managed services, in one convenient place.

Jim Parise

Jim, president of Kelser, is all about the integration of business and technology. He helps maintain our focus on how technology can help solve our clients’ business challenges.

Blog Feature

IT Support

By: Jim Parise
April 01, 2022

Your IT provider has always been very responsive to your needs. Somehow, that hasn’t been the case lately. They keep saying there’s a bottleneck. They blame the global supply chain and shipping delays. What’s really going on?

Blog Feature

Working with Kelser

By: Jim Parise
March 05, 2022

We’ve all seen news coverage of a fire at a strip mall or in a multi-story office complex. But, how often do any of us stop to think what would happen if we owned the business next door?


Improving Your Cybersecurity Posture Isn't as Hard as it Sounds

Start improving your cybersecurity posture now with this ebook, free when you subscribe to our blog.

Blog Feature

Working with Kelser

By: Jim Parise
March 04, 2022

Looking to enhance your IT posture? You might be considering working with a managed services provider (MSP).

Blog Feature

Workforce Enablement

By: Jim Parise
February 18, 2022

Your IT infrastructure is critical to the success of your business. Like the rest of your business, you want to make sure your IT infrastructure is positioned for optimal performance.

Blog Feature

Managed Services

By: Jim Parise
February 11, 2022

You are evaluating managed services providers (MSPs) and they all seem to speak a different language. One talks about firewalls, while another talks about perimeter security. Some talk about unlimited service desk calls, while others talk about limited help desk calls with additional calls available on a fee basis. Yet another talks about one email platform, while someone else touts the benefits of another one.

Blog Feature

Managed Services

By: Jim Parise
February 10, 2022

Smart business leaders understand the importance of their IT infrastructure. The problem is that when it is operating efficiently, it’s easy to get lulled into a false sense of security and assume that it can operate well indefinitely with little to no attention.

Blog Feature


By: Jim Parise
February 04, 2022

Let's face it, budgets are critical in business. They are one of the ways organizations ensure that they can meet their short- and long-term business goals. As president of Kelser, I've seen a variety of approaches to budgeting for IT organizations in my 20+ years in the industry. I’ve noticed two common schools of thought when it comes to IT budgets:

Blog Feature

Disaster Recovery | Managed Services

By: Jim Parise
January 13, 2022

Your senior network engineer just quit without warning. Or maybe a hacker penetrated your firewall. Or you’ve had a recent workforce reduction that’s affected your IT department.

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